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"What I enjoy most is the level of responsibility and exposure."

Antonio grad profile hero

Could you tell us about your Lidl journey so far?

The Lidl journey has been a great experience. I have learned so many things about the company and my professional industry, property and construction. The great thing about the journey is that there is no pressure to know everything or have prior experience within your field, as throughout the rotation period you’re shown all aspects of the business. I can confidently say knowledge, exposure and experience are 3 key factors I have gained working for Lidl.

What do you most enjoy about your role?

What I most enjoy about my role is the level of responsibility and general exposure. To be within the company for less than a year and to be able to plan, coordinate and lead multiple projects is something that I really enjoy and honestly keeps me going.

What has been your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge so far has been the step from being a student to managing and being responsible for multiple tangible projects whilst learning Lidl processes and procedures.

What has been your proudest moment at Lidl?

My proudest moment so far is having the opportunity of taking on multiple construction projects for the store portfolio within Lidl’s newest property region!

What advice would you give to anyone applying for a Lidl graduate programme?

Go for it! There seems to be an opportunity for everyone within the company no matter your career path and relative experience. My advice for anyone applying for a Lidl graduate programme is just be yourself. One thing I learned is that Lidl employ people not based on their experience, but who they are - and how passionate they are!