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"I love that my role is so varied"



What were you doing before you joined Lidl and what attracted you to the company?

I was at university studying Business and Management and I got a CIMA diploma. Once I finished university, I wanted to find a Graduate job straight away. I was attracted to the flexibility of the programme at Lidl and they seemed like they would take good care of me.

I also liked the idea of rotating round different areas and then being able to choose where I want to focus my energies. Lidl had one of the top-ranked Graduate programmes, so this attracted me to the role. I managed to speak to them at my university careers fair and liked the sound of the company from there. I had worked in IKEA before so was used to working in retail.

What does a day in your life look like?

I've just finished up in Selection, my role would involve me coming in and setting up the picks ready for when staff arrive, ensuring they are set up for the right stores, welcoming everyone and then running the shift for the rest of the day. My day-to-day role involves a lot of people management and I have to be ready to deal with returns to work and sickness, hold weekly meetings with people about their performance and conduct interviews. I’ve also just started supporting on an ad hoc project involving Remerch in ambient lanes.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

The best thing about my role is that it is so varied, and I do something different every day.  I love how much exposure I get to different parts of the business.

What do you enjoy most about working for Lidl?

I shop at Lidl myself so it’s nice to see what they stand for as a company and their values really align with my own. I like the fact that the company do a lot for charity –  I recently played in a charity football match. I like that the company care about helping those less well-off through food vouchers etc too.

What three words would you use to describe Lidl?

Varied, fast-paced, rewarding.