"I'm utilising a wide range of aspects of the course in my day-to-day role, for example I feel more confident in offering certain opinions in meetings, I approach projects I'm leading in a more strategic way and think more holistically when making decisions. Currently I'm learning the theory behind stakeholder management which no doubt will come in useful in future projects."
Michael, Marketing Design Lead, Marketing Manager Level 6 Apprenticeship
Michael our Marketing Design Lead is studying for the Marketing Manager Level 6 Apprenticeship alongside his role. Read on to find out more about his experience so far:
How have you found your apprenticeship so far?
I’ve really enjoyed learning the content; the course covers a wide variety of marketing skills and specialisms that I would not have learnt in my current role. Working through the course is already opening new doors of opportunities within my Lidl career as well as broadening my knowledge of marketing and leadership as a whole. It is a challenge to balance my current role with the course, but one I believe is worth it. The cohort I meet with each month are from very different businesses which means we are learning from each other’s experiences and challenges both at work and in the course.
What has been your biggest learning so far?
Coming from a design background this course is giving me a foundation of knowledge of marketing which I didn’t have before. I’ve always had an interest in the more commercial side of the advertising and marketing industry and Lidl has given me the opportunity to explore and learn this.
How do you use your apprenticeship learnings in your day to day role?
I’m utilising a wide range of aspects of the course in my day-to-day role, for example I feel more confident in offering certain opinions in meetings, I approach projects I’m leading in a more strategic way and think more holistically when making decisions. Currently I’m learning the theory behind stakeholder management which no doubt will come in useful in future projects.
What are some examples of the off the job training you have completed?
Through this apprenticeship I spend most of the off the job training studying through the course modules and completing the briefs set by the course. The briefs are either reports or presentations relating the course content back to Lidl, to complete these I speak and learn from colleagues and apply the theory to real world situations.
What are the three words you would use to describe your apprenticeship journey?
Fulfilling, challenging and enjoyable.