Lidl House: what do our colleagues think about the big move?

With the move to Lidl House - our brand new, custom-built Head Office in Tolworth - fast approaching, six of our Head Office colleagues had the chance to visit the building in South West London and experience its’ exciting features.
Our colleagues were clearly excited as they took the tour. Each of them has their own view on what makes this move so appealing, from the on-site gym, to the hundreds of collaboration spaces, to the sheer size of the building overall. Here’s what a couple of them had to say about our new home:
Stephen Dawes – Advertising and Marketing
Two things surprised me:
1. The sheer scale and size of the building, it really blows you away! It really hits you when you enter the atrium, as you look up through the stairwells and to the floors, it really hits home what a massive business we are and how much we are going to benefit from the space.
2. The level of detail with every floor, nook, and cranny, it really feels like no stone has been unturned in addressing key features that will benefit everyone in the business. The features of the building have class, like the feature staircase, the facilities in the building are beyond what I would have expected and the plans for the actual look and feel of the building will make it feel like a home rather than a building – we are in for a real treat!
The features and benefits are all great but ultimately having everyone under one roof is what I’m looking forward to. To feel that sense of scale we have as a business, to build relationships that sometimes are much easier when seeing people and sharing an amazing office space with everyone, that equals how amazing we are as a business.
Hayley Cahalarn - Quality Assurance
I am looking forward to a new way of working and everyone being in one place. I think this is such a positive step for our Head Office and the surrounding area. I am excited about the office being open plan and everyone being in the same place. I am also looking forward to getting to know other Lidl employees who I may not necessarily see in our current office.