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Your training

RO smiling at desk

The training you will receive 

Our Regional Office Training Plan is designed for all new colleagues joining us at Lidl. It is designed to give you all the knowledge and skills required to work effectively. The training programme is a mixture of interactive eLearning content to give you the groundwork, and guided practical sessions with your Training Mentor, to put your learning into practice. You will be supported along the way by your Training Mentor and line manager to make sure you can perform at your best.

Your training topics

First Aid

Health and Safety

We take Health and Safety seriously at Lidl. This module focuses on essential Head Office and Regional Office Health and Safety, where you’ll learn how to work safely and who to report issues to, along with fire safety and first aid.

Data Protection

Data Protection is an important topic for us. In this module, learn what data protection is and how it impacts your role. You’ll understand your responsibilities to ensure data is always protected.

Information Security

In this module, you will find out everything you need to know about keeping information secure, including how to keep yourself, our customers, and our business safe.

Legal and Compliance

Learn about compliance and its importance at Lidl, as well as what compliance means in the context of your role. This module covers topics such as our gifts policy and whistleblowing options.

Mobile Working

If you work remotely, this module will provide you with key considerations to ensure you are working productively and safely.

And much more

And much more

Development catalogue

The catalogue contains all measures that Lidl offer for your personal development. This includes various courses and self-learning tools for all competencies as well as IT and operational topics